Monday, 30 April 2012

The Triple S

I generally think that draped clothing is extremely sophisticated. I mean, gone are the days when if you didn’t have something skimpy and fitted on you could not be classified as trendy. Now, loose clothing provides that edgy forgiving comfort. I mean you could munch on a whole tub of ben and jerry’s and still throw on and pull off a beautiful draped outfit and get away with a huge belly: you could call it “a beautiful mess”.

To be dressed in draped clothing means to be clothed in loose folds….and I do not mean skin folds.
This brings me to the “   Triple S”. I was surfing the net one day, came across “The Triple S” simply signifies: slouchy, sloppy and sexy. It tells us that today, you can be decent and actually still look sexy…….tell me who wouldn’t want that *wink*

Girls in my Uni, are on rampage with this trend. Most of them have no idea whatsoever what “The Triple S” means  or the fact that it exists but, they still try to pull it off……some do and well *sigh* some don’t. However, it’s a trend that everyone can work with if done right…

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Another weekend came and went….I had to be up early to attend church, mahn was I cranky...*sigh. The church service itself dint help matters: the choir was off, the sermon was okay but was followed by a speech by our Vice-Chancellor telling us that they were going to start writing names of noise makers in the church service and there would be security men at strategic places in the church auditorium. *surprised face*I mean its bad enough theres already attendance for church services.
However, with my heaven sent group of friends(Enitan as always, my roommate: Ejiro, a couple I adore,my little sister: Oyin and my son: Lami), there wasn’t a dull moment  and we drew attention taking pictures after the service while others were hustling for transport back to their hostels *tongue out*
Enjoy!!! *WIDE GRIN*

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The Nerdy Bunny

The most stressful day of my life this semester was two days ago. I had lectures from 9am till 5pm and then after that a departmental meeting....I dint get enough rest over the weeekend so I was K-N-A-C-K-E-R-E-D!!!!!(dont ask me what I was doing)...*tongue out*. Moving on, I wore my burgundy maxi skirt and paired it with a brown bag i recently bought from a friend. kemmy if u're reading this, thank you *kisses*

Anyway, I got comments from people on my new official look cause I was all buttoned up and i have gotten the hang of wearing my ID card everyday in that complemented the whole look!*wide grin*

The highlight of my day however, was at the end. I was tired from the day's stress but my Enitan (trust the babe to always be around *rme) dragged me to the variety night of a department in our school. There was suya, shawarma and stuff. I WANTED suya!I approached the mallam and ordered, only for the order to be way smaller than my money's worth: I complained and the mallam's in his Hausa accent replied saying "madame cows are scarce, there is no grass" *surprised face*

Never have I heard such..i paid him back with a little mischief however, I ran away with three pieces of suya *evil grin*

Here are pictures of my outfit.....

Apologies and Thanks!!!!

I sincerely apologise for the technical problems readers have been experiencing as regards reading posts and making comments. Apparently, this happens only with the mobile version of the blog. I found out however, that comments can only be posted if your blackberry smartphone has the OS 7 or if the blog is being viewed from a PC or other electronic devices apart from mobile phones. I do not have a solution to the problem but I will see what can be done. *batting my eyelashes*

In other news however, I really wanna trhank everybody who has viwed my blog and has enjoyed my posts. In three days, there have been over 1200 views...that is really major for me!!*azonto in my epileptic style* *big grin* I might even roll in church on Sunday! LOL...I'm really happy that yall are enjoying my goofyness and I hope this is the beginning of a long and beautiful blogger-reader relationship!!!!*kisses*

Fashionably Yours

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Before Meets After!!!!

So here's a picture of myself at the age of five or thereabout and a picture of me right now...I like to think that there isn't much of a change in both pictures but then again the difference is clear.

My big sister however (bless her) seems to think i have  the same signature pose...well i dunno *tongue out*
Enjoy your laugh however as my before meets my after!!!


Monday, 16 April 2012

Frances Day

I ought to have started this blog a while back……but due to a whole lot of procrastination on my side, I’m starting it over two months later *covers face*.

Last Thursday was Frances day….wondering what that is? I won’t tell you..*tongue out*. Today I forced my very good friend to take pictures in front of my room before the class, even though we were kinda late….
I also forgot to charge my camera but I wanted pictures badly so I had to make do with a phone camera….*sigh*

I wanted pictures because I wore a denim jacket I simply adore and there’s the handbag too…..I also looove my friend’s bell-sleeved blouse which is going to get lost and will never be found *evil grin*.

Anyhoos I’m going to stop yapping now. Enjoy the pictures…….xoxo

Soulful Identity

In one of my under the moon moments,
I pondered on my identity
Who I am to myself
Who I am to people around me…..
Deep down what do people really think about me?
I am me….
A drama queen in my own right
A daughter, a sister, a lover
I am me….
The fair-skinned bug eyed girl
With a flair for fashion
A desire for the finer things in life
And a dream to make an impact

I am me….
I thrive on love as a hopeless romantic
I thrive on attention
I thrive on friendship
I thrive on laughter….

I am me….
My name is Ola
Call me Eli….
This is who I am

Like me, Love me, accept me, Understand me
I wouldn’t wanna be anybody else

LouboutinLure Craving

Last night, I was bored, I decided to torture myself. I logged onto the Louboutin website and fed my eyes. It was painful *sniff* because there were so many shoes I fell in love with…..
The moral of the whole story however is that I saved the pictures of the shoes I liked…..because for now that’s really all I can do…LOL!!!...however, I am saving for my 1st pair….which is why today I donated 500naira to the cause…come to think of it, I could start up a charity and probably call it “My 1ST Louboutin”……and y’all can donate and get me my 1st pair….Yes? No?
Oh well….it was worth a try….however, here are the pictures I saved.
Let me know what you think…..xoxo!

The Good, The Bad and the Ungodly

So I forgot my camera in my hostel on Sunday……*COVERS FACE* I’m slacking. Anyway, I saw a whole lotta outfits yo! Some got impressive comments from my friends and I and well some just made me laugh out loud!

I had to take pics when I got back to my hostel as babes were returning from church service…….the service was beautiful by the way.*wide grin* I’m holy like that!!!

Anyway, I’m leaving the judging to you all. Please look through and decide on what outfits are good, bad and ungodly…….here is my favourite outfit……

I think this oleku babe did a great job. I am totally in love with this outfit…..i might (wait scratch that.)

I WILL try this soon….and if I’m lucky enough get my friend Enitan to play along…..I’ll be sure to upload pics too….. here are the remaining pics