Monday, 24 December 2012


Errm where do I start from? Feels like its been ages since my last blog post. *covers face* To be honest,   I have no excuse, I just didn't feel like cause I take the pictures but just never get around to writing a post. Seeing as I am in the mood now however, I'm gonna bring you up to date on everything.

So yeah, 1st up is a post on my niece. Two weeks back, she featured in a play of the nativity story in her school and played the role of a sheep. Imagine! They dint let my boo say a word! the cutie didn't even so much as 'ba-aaa' *sigh

She had to dress like a sheep from home. Here are pictures of her and a letter from the school informing us of her role. BRUTAL!!!!

My little princess is still the cutest! like I say now; Leave It!!

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