Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Elephant Royal

Tomorrow's my last full day in the UK and my sister decided to treat a bunch of us to dinner. Location was Elephant Royal. It had a beautiful waterfront view. Today was simply amazing.

though, it was one of those days when you have an outfit planned and it doesn't quite seem to work out, and time is against you and you just throw on an outfit because you have to get dressed.

Last minute, I paired this delicate cream blouse with peach detail around the collar all the way down the front and peach coloured leggings; a gold cuff and bracelet and some wrist beads along with my heavily studded ears.

Guess who came too? My girl Chidi!!! RAHH



I was trying out my photography skills here. Not so good. LOL

  This order called "the sea is on fire" came with actual flames sweardown!

happy people, great food...what more can you ask for?
Blouse: H&M
Leggings: H&M
Envelope bag: F&F
Ring: Old trade fair buy


P.S. : I could not take pictures of the beautiful view because for some reason my camera was not functioning properly. Excuse the picture quality as well; I'm starting to think I need to get a new camera; My Fujifilm camera is messing with my mojo. Pray for me!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

A Lacey Affair.

My stay in the UK's gradually coming to an end. Today's my last Sunday here. Feeling all emotional. Is it a bad thing that I don't wanna go back? 

This lacey open back studded-collar blouse for me, is one of those buys you absolutely cannot wait to wear. Here's how I rocked it to church today.

Blouse: TK-MAXX
Skirt: Old
Watch: ASOS
Rings, bracelet and neck-piece: Claire's
Shoes: (Christmas present from my aunt) Redherring
Bag: Burberry

Monday, 24 December 2012


To church yesterday, I was absolutely confused as to what to wear. Eventually, I went for a black and white striped blouse, black leggings, a red belt and heels and threw on my fur winter coat. 

I picked this jacket cause I always feel glam in it. Sorta like a diva. LOL! plus I liked the outfit cause I felt really relaxed in it. Casual and chic at the same time.

Blouse: H&M
Leggings and belt: Old
Shoes: Qupid 
Fur Jacket: Asos
Neckpiece: My big sister's! LOL
Rings: Claire's
Purse: F&F

Yesterday was also my sister's 6th wedding anniversary. So happy for her! Gonna be my turn some day. Hopefully. 

The in-law 

The family.
Beautiful aren't they?

Merry Christmas guys!

Who wore it best?

So my niece and I wore identical dresses to church last Sunday.  The little diva looked absolutely adorable. We almost forgot to take pictures but, we eventually did when we got back in the afternoon. Enjoy.

P.S. I'm sporting an adaptation of Rihanna's new pixie cut. Tellme what you think.


Errm where do I start from? Feels like its been ages since my last blog post. *covers face* To be honest,   I have no excuse, I just didn't feel like cause I take the pictures but just never get around to writing a post. Seeing as I am in the mood now however, I'm gonna bring you up to date on everything.

So yeah, 1st up is a post on my niece. Two weeks back, she featured in a play of the nativity story in her school and played the role of a sheep. Imagine! They dint let my boo say a word! the cutie didn't even so much as 'ba-aaa' *sigh

She had to dress like a sheep from home. Here are pictures of her and a letter from the school informing us of her role. BRUTAL!!!!

My little princess is still the cutest! like I say now; Leave It!!

Thursday, 6 December 2012


Hey guys, so I'm gonna be a tourist for the whole of this month. Spending Christmas in London and being with my sister's family is such a blessing at the moment.
This post is just gonna bring you up to date on what I have been up to since my arrival.
i went to the Hillsongs church on Sunday but didn't go with my camera or take pictures of my outfit before I left the house. Apologies
 Leaving home for the 02. In my lovely fur jacket from Asos.
 The big sister. Love her. Love her. Love her

 outside the 02

 My b! out and about. Some girl action. Getting our nails done.

My little niece. You're gonna be seeing more of her in coming posts.
I'll be posting more frequently now. So stay with me as I take you through my December outfits, places and events. Also, for instant updates, follow me on instagram:

See you guys soon!!! xx