Sunday, 21 October 2012

Sunday Rant!!

I remember when I first started my blog, and I did a post on the good, the bad and the ungodly, referring to outfits I saw on Sundas at church. I stopped cause it was hella stressful to get people to pose in the hot boiling sun.
 The weather over here's been pretty indecisive latel,; one minute its cloudy, raining cats and dogs and the next minute, its as hot as the devil's cooking pot (if he has one).
Today, there were a bunch of outfits I saw and I thought to share with you since I got positive feedback from you guys from the last "good, bad and ungodly". I'm not one to diss or look down on people but these outfits were totally appalling *in Simon Cowell's voice*.
 This bow just looked like it was starving...
 see what I mean?

 I didn't understand this outfit in its entirety...
 Had to crop this chick's face before i get some uninvited guests this night. I don'have any karate or martial arts skills, I'd defo get beaten up!
They teach us in uni, that as mass communicators, you have to be ready to do anything to obtain information on stories; be courageous and not fear death and all that...In this case, NOPE! I don't think so.

Gotta go hide now!
Let me know if you agree with my opinion(s).


You guys remember that little wrapper I used in one of my previous posts, the one where I made it into a little dress, well yeah, today to church, I decided to wear the actual dress. For those of you who don't know, my uni comes with a hella strict dress codes and stuff that basically restrict your fashion. like your skirts have to be knee length, they cant have slits on 'em and all that. Even your make-up has to be minimal.
So this dress basically did it for me, its long, free and flowy and I don't have to walk like a penguin all cause I wanna look good. LOL.
The outfit looked pretty boring to me so I decided to pair it with a cap. I don't know what name the cap is called exactly, but over here in Nigeria, its one of those statement pieces known to the Hausa tribe.Men who wear this are commonly called "Mallams" I thought it was funky and it paid, cause I wasn't in the mood to tie a scarf. All I wannid to do this morning was sleep.
my makeup was on a serious DL. No powder or foundation, (cant be sweating like a christmas goat now!), just filled out my eyebrows, dabbed on some lip balm and BAM! Lmao!
Jewllry was also preety minimal, pearl studs I got at a flat rate and a necklace and sunlight-sorta pendant I was given by my big sister like 10years ago. I;m pretty sentimental about stuff like that so even though its old, Id still wear it. Plus I miss her like crazy, so....
Here are some pictures I took in my hostel.

 My little pest of a sister and I 

 Like my dance moves *covers face*

 Close-up shots of the cap. Its a lil dirty though *wide grin*

I went to church with my friend. she rocked a print blouse i totally adore and an ankara print bag. Cause I loved her outfit, I decided to show y'all what it looked like; so you'd join in on the oooh-ing and ahhh-ing.
Do we like it or not?

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Inappropriate or Not?

You guys remember when i took you behind the scenes of the Inappropriate Urban photoshoot yeah, well the website has been launched, the pictures are out, but I don't know if I'm totally in love with them or not. 
Tell me what you think! And don't forget to visit the website www, and order your tees, crops, varsity jackets and the likes!

Dress Inappropr8!

Friday, 12 October 2012

Polka Faced!

Hey guys, been a while!
 Yesterday, I decided to rock black lipstick to class…well not exactly black lipstick! All I did was apply dark blue eye shadow from my Sleek palette and dab some lip balm. I had my weave taken out the day before (previously sporting Taraji Henson’s hairstyle for the movie “I Can Do Bad All By Myself”) and got a hair retouch. My lovely friend packed my hair into a bun and added some extensions at the tip for volume.

I decided to rock a shirt she got me. Pink and cute in all its ways. LOL. I paired it with a polka-dot skirt, a pair of jelly transparent open-toed flats and my Zara bag (which btw, I think I’ve wrecked)
My makeup was minimal asides the edgy improvised lipstick (haven’t had on brown powder or foundation in weeks). Anyhoos, before I start rambling, I had on my snakeskin earrings and literally ran to class.
What dyu think about the outfit? And of course the lipstick?
Yay or Nay?

Spider Lady!

 Still on yesterday's gist, after class, I saw this huge spider web. Rather fascinating tbh. The weirdest part of the whole encounter was seeing the actual spider. It was huge with a large light green head. Looked poisonous to me, so I stayed maintained a reasonable distance. Took the opportunity to practice my photography skills. A lil rusty though, but…

I later found out from my lecturer that the spider was a poisonous Green Monkey Spider. Thank God for my Nigerian instincts which tells you to run and ask questions later. I didn't stay to find out if it was actually poisonous.
The whole encounter basically makes me wanna go on some adventure or safari of some sort. I’m feeling very adventurous.