Monday, 30 April 2012

The Triple S

I generally think that draped clothing is extremely sophisticated. I mean, gone are the days when if you didn’t have something skimpy and fitted on you could not be classified as trendy. Now, loose clothing provides that edgy forgiving comfort. I mean you could munch on a whole tub of ben and jerry’s and still throw on and pull off a beautiful draped outfit and get away with a huge belly: you could call it “a beautiful mess”.

To be dressed in draped clothing means to be clothed in loose folds….and I do not mean skin folds.
This brings me to the “   Triple S”. I was surfing the net one day, came across “The Triple S” simply signifies: slouchy, sloppy and sexy. It tells us that today, you can be decent and actually still look sexy…….tell me who wouldn’t want that *wink*

Girls in my Uni, are on rampage with this trend. Most of them have no idea whatsoever what “The Triple S” means  or the fact that it exists but, they still try to pull it off……some do and well *sigh* some don’t. However, it’s a trend that everyone can work with if done right…

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