On to what's new, errrm *scratches head*
- I'm in my final year of Uni now! Hehe! Never been this excited about anything! 'cept well.....
- Moving on, I got a new dog, an exceptionally cute roth...that eats anything as far as he's spoon-fed...LOL! sometimes I fear there's a human being trapped inside of him...
- I'm sick and tired of BBM....the Blackberry smartphone and its madness...
- My little niece started middle school on Tuesday...sooo excited...but I feel like I'm becoming an old hag....miss and love her to bits!
- I think I added a little bit of weight...been trying for so long...I'm this close to giving up but, this is a fresh dose of air.
That's really all I can think of right now....
Xx.....Yours Randomly
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