Hey guys! Been quite a
while I know and I apologise for the absence: but I’m back now, and with a bang
The long holiday is
over, school’s started and I’m somewhat excited. Everyone seems to think summer
went by really fast. I agree, but in actual fact I wouldn’t have it any other
way. It did come with its really high points as it did with the lowest of lows:
you could say I was summer schooled, here’s what I learnt:
life, a shit load of stuff happens (excuse my language and in advance, the
length of this post) but you gotta learn to accept these things and find a way
to smile in spite of every mishap…”
This summer, I lost my
bra strap…LOL! Why was this so painful? Cause it was the strap of my favourite
multi-way bra…I took out the straps one day because I needed my bra to function
strapless…3 days later, rummaging through my box, I found the bra and one
strap…searched my entire closet for the other strap to no avail..I was
literally close to tears. I asked everyone, even my brother (wonder what the
heck he’d be doing with my strap). My mom came through and said a bunch of
stuff to me, but you know when you’re in search of something, you tend to zone
out when other people are talking and selectively hear what you wanna? (who else
does that?). Anyway, all I heard was “stop searching, you’ll find it…it’s
yours, but as long as you’re searching, you most probably won’t find it.”
The next day, I wore
it, but compromised and turned it into a halter neck bra, went out like I had
no worries even though I had it at the back of my mind that my lovely bra strap
was missing…
In the time span of 2
weeks, I found a number of straps that “just didn’t fit”, they just weren’t
right: not the right width or length! URRGH! Imagine my frustration! One day, resigned
to my mono-strap fate, arranging my things, I found my strap in the most bogus of
places and in celebration, I busted my epileptic-looking azonto moves *hehe*
However irrelevant this
story is, what I’m driving at is the fact that I compromised after proving “I’m
not letting go”. I learned to live without two straps, found my other strap
eventually but I have the added advantage now of another way to wear my bra!
My quotes for this
phase of my life are:
“when you lose
something, don’t panic, searching in more ways than one pushes it farther away
from reach..let go, stop looking and adapt,
learn to live without it, if and when you do find it, you’re the wiser. Now you
can live with and without it”
“Never lower your
standard or decide to settle, or struggle to fit in what isn’t meant to”. I
could have stuck with the other straps I found knowing they weren’t “right”, I
probably would have still found the strap eventually but you never know..
Last but not least,
popular quote “what’s meant to be will always find its way”. My version
however, “what is yours will always be yours, no matter what happens or how
long it takes to find it if you if and when you lose it. It’s yours”
This may seem like more
than me losing my bra strap…who knows? I hope you get my point though!
N/B: I can swear I
searched everywhere for the bra strap…LOL! In fact, I carried out a thorough
search, I suspect foul play. But even if anyone took the strap on purpose,
there was a lesson to be learnt..and learn it, I did!
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