Hey guys, been a while!
Yesterday, I decided to rock black
lipstick to class…well not exactly black lipstick! All I did was apply dark
blue eye shadow from my Sleek palette and dab some lip balm. I had my weave
taken out the day before (previously sporting Taraji Henson’s hairstyle for the
movie “I Can Do Bad All By Myself”) and got a hair retouch. My lovely friend
packed my hair into a bun and added some extensions at the tip for volume.
I decided to rock a shirt she got me. Pink and cute in all
its ways. LOL. I paired it with a polka-dot skirt, a pair of jelly transparent
open-toed flats and my Zara bag (which btw, I think I’ve wrecked)
My makeup was minimal asides the edgy improvised lipstick (haven’t
had on brown powder or foundation in weeks). Anyhoos, before I start rambling,
I had on my snakeskin earrings and literally ran to class.
What dyu think about the outfit? And of course the lipstick?
Yay or Nay?
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