Sunday, 21 October 2012


You guys remember that little wrapper I used in one of my previous posts, the one where I made it into a little dress, well yeah, today to church, I decided to wear the actual dress. For those of you who don't know, my uni comes with a hella strict dress codes and stuff that basically restrict your fashion. like your skirts have to be knee length, they cant have slits on 'em and all that. Even your make-up has to be minimal.
So this dress basically did it for me, its long, free and flowy and I don't have to walk like a penguin all cause I wanna look good. LOL.
The outfit looked pretty boring to me so I decided to pair it with a cap. I don't know what name the cap is called exactly, but over here in Nigeria, its one of those statement pieces known to the Hausa tribe.Men who wear this are commonly called "Mallams" I thought it was funky and it paid, cause I wasn't in the mood to tie a scarf. All I wannid to do this morning was sleep.
my makeup was on a serious DL. No powder or foundation, (cant be sweating like a christmas goat now!), just filled out my eyebrows, dabbed on some lip balm and BAM! Lmao!
Jewllry was also preety minimal, pearl studs I got at a flat rate and a necklace and sunlight-sorta pendant I was given by my big sister like 10years ago. I;m pretty sentimental about stuff like that so even though its old, Id still wear it. Plus I miss her like crazy, so....
Here are some pictures I took in my hostel.

 My little pest of a sister and I 

 Like my dance moves *covers face*

 Close-up shots of the cap. Its a lil dirty though *wide grin*

I went to church with my friend. she rocked a print blouse i totally adore and an ankara print bag. Cause I loved her outfit, I decided to show y'all what it looked like; so you'd join in on the oooh-ing and ahhh-ing.
Do we like it or not?

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